Can i have two bvn [bank verification number]

This is the question of the day.

Can i have two bvn?

How possible is it that a single person can have two bvn or even a multiple bank verification numbers.

First, you need to calm down cause asking this question means that there’s a problem. When bank customer can’t recall their bvn, number used during their bvn enrollment, and the worst is the bank which they enrolled for bvn, they tends to ask this question.

Can i have two bvn?

Cause they want to enroll for another bank verification number.

Can i have two bvn?

The answer is no.

I’m sorry but a bank customer can’t have two bank verification number, it is mandatory that a single bank customer is only liable to one bank verification number and it can’t be exceeded.

Once you have enrolled for bvn, that is it. You can’t enroll again cause the bank has your personal details which includes your biometrics. If you go ahead to enroll for another bvn, they will detect through the biometrics they have gotten from you.

They have your picture and your fingerprint.

There’s a case when a very good friend of mine asked this question of can i have two bvn, cause he has seen a person with two bvn. He said na naija we dey, but I try to make home understand that that’s fraud and if the person is caught, he will definitely face the consequences.

But the question is, how is the person being able to get two bank verification numbers if truly the story is true. However, the truth is such thing can happen and behind the close door but that’s illegitimate and fraud.

One major thing that we Nigerians doesn’t know is that the bank verification number is like an ID to us, but in the banking sector. Since the introduction of the bank verification number, it is compulsory that every account holder must enroll for it.

Immediately you have enrolled for bank verification number, linked it to your bank account, that’s it. You can’t change that anymore and that number will remain your permanent bvn until death.

If you have any problem with your bvn, your bank is there to help you out.

I’ve seen a quite number of persons asking if it is possible to get a new bank verification number for themselves.

I try to understand the reason why they want to get another bvn or a new bank verification number. Most of their answers are;

  1. I’ve lost my bvn and can’t seem to retrieve it
  2. My bvn details are wrong and can’t seem to change it
  3. I just want to change my bank verification number
  4. I want to have two bvn

If you lost your bvn, you can go through this post on how to retrieve bvn without phone number.

If you don’t seem to retrieve your bank verification number, try and remember the bank which you enrolled or any of your bank. Head over to the bank with your ID and request that you want to retrieve your bank verification number (bvn).

Give them your name and your account number and through it they will retrieve your bank verification number.

In the case of wrong details in your bvn wouldn’t make you want to enroll for a new bvn, asking can i have two bvn. I tell you that you can make ammend on your bvn using the requirements for it.

To make changes to your bvn, simply go through here and you’ll be guided on how to make changes to your bank verification number.

If you have a serious problem with your bvn, you bank is there to help you. Definitely they will help you out in solving your bvn problem.

Can I use one BVN two accounts?

can i have two bvn

Definitely yes.

You can use one bvn in multiple bank accounts or I will say all the bank accounts you have. A bank customer is limited to only one bvn, so what you need to do is to link your bvn to all your bank accounts.

You can go through this post to learn how to link bvn to your bank account for all banks.

With this, I do hope I’ve answered the question on can i have two bvn or Can I use one BVN two accounts.

Can i have more than two bvn? 

Absolutely no and not possible.

Can i register for bvn twice?

Definitely no.

It isn’t possible at all. If you enrolled once, you can’t enroll or register for another bank verification number. All your personal details and biometrics are already attached to the bvn and it can’t be duplicated.

Can two persons have the same bvn

No, that isn’t possible.

The reason why I added this is because of the messages I received from blog readers asking if it is possible that two persons will have the same bvn.

If you bought a new sim card and realize that the number is already linked to a bvn, there’s no way you can use the number to enroll for your own bvn or probably claim the bvn.

If you realize that the number is already linked to a bvn, kindly get a new sim card, check to see if there’s a bvn linked to it and if not then use the number to enroll for bvn.

Again, you can’t use the bvn on the sim card you bought cause the details aren’t yours including the biometrics. Can two persons have the same bank verification number and can i have two bvn goes hand in hand, and the answer is no, unless you want to be fraudulent.

Lastly, can i have two bvn?

Absolutely no and not possible.

Don’t Miss!!!

I’ve come to the end of this article on can i have two bvn, and again my answer is still no as at the time of writing this post. I’m open to your questions and suggestions.

50 thoughts on “Can i have two bvn [bank verification number]”

  1. I have a problem wet my bvn and is change of name both the first name and last is that possible for to that
    To change it?

    • You can do that, but you will need to get a newspaper publication, court affidavit, and an ID. Your new name must match all the three requirements especially the newspaper publication and court affidavit.

  2. I had a problem with my bvn the picture on my bvn is not for and the biometries on the bvn is not for me is it possible to change

    • How possible that you did a bvn and the picture and biometrics are not yours, that isn’t possible.

      As long as the picture and the biometrics are not yours, the bvn isn’t yours. You should enroll for a new bvn.

      • I am using a bank account and I have bvn but right now , I don’t want to use the account anymore, I also don’t want to use the bvn I want to create any accounts
        Now I want to make another national identify card so I can use it to open another bank account hope it can work?

        • From what I understood you want to have another identity, creating a new bank account with another name, and this applies to your bvn, and get a new ID with the said name.

          This looks very fishy unless you explain the the reason why you want to do such.

    • Ticket? Are you outside Nigeria?

      What you’ll do is to contact the financial institution you did the bvn stating your name and the date which you did the bvn, they will retrieve it for you.

  3. I have a bvn but I had a little mistake in the information filled, how can I change it.

    • If the mistake is your name or date of birth, you will have to get a court affidavit and a newspaper publication in some cases, lastly is an ID.

      However, if the mistake is your address or phone number, just go to the bank with your ID.

      When you get to the bank, request that there was a mistake made on your bvn and from there the bank will proceed to rectifying the mistake.

  4. I have opened a bvn account already and someone else use the same phone number I used to opened my bvn account to open again will it work

    • No it won’t work, the bank will notify the person that the phone number is already linked to a bvn. The person will have to get a new phone number to link to its bvn.

      However, once you lost your phone number linked to your bvn, you should immediately remove the phone from your bvn or retrieve the phone number cause a fraudulent person might use that against you.

      • Please I have account with bvn but I used my bvn to borrow money online I feel like my bvn and my account is not longer save so I don’t want to close the account either the bvn it’s possible to get another account with another bvn please

        • I’m sure you are talking about LCREDIT and others, don’t mind them because no one can’t block your bvn. You can’t get another bvn but you can get another account.

  5. Good day, I already have an account with gtb and a bvn too, but I intend opening another account with a different name and with a different bank. Can I link the new account to my existing bvn knowing the two accounts carries different names?

    • Why do you guys love to complicate things?

      Why opening a new bank account with a different name?

      You have an ID with the said name? I’m sorry you can’t link your bvn to your new account if the name on your bvn doesn’t match the name on your new bank account. Your bvn name must match your bank account name.

      However, if you did a change of name then you will have to get a court affidavit and a newspaper publication along with an ID, and make changes to your bvn which will then bear your new name.

  6. I registered with zenith and did my bvn about 5 years ago,i lost the phone with my number,now am asked to provide my bvn for nin enrolment,how will i do to retrieve it?

  7. The name on my kuda account doesn’t match my bvn and I need to link my bvn before I can transfer out of the account. What can i do to solve this

    • To link you bvn you must correct the mistake made on your name, or the name arrangement.

      What you have to do is to know how your name is on the bvn, whether the name is correct and properly arranged starting from first name, middle name and last name. If there’s a mistake then you have to go to the bank where you did your bvn and correct the mistake.

      They will tell you the requirements to bring.

  8. Please Ma, I exposed my BVN in an online app.
    What will I do?
    Can they make transactions on my account using my Bvn and account number?

    • The online app is it a bank app?

      If it is a bank app you shouldn’t worry but if it is all these investment apps, honestly, I don’t really trust all of them though they usually ask of account number.

      This depends on the online app, and you should be very careful cause a fraudulent person might hack your account using your bvn.

    • Yes you can link your bvn to another sim card but first, you will make changes to your bvn by removing the old SIM number, and adding the new number.

      You can only do this in the bank, and they will request for your ID, and sometimes a court affidavit. So you have to contact the bank where you did your bvn and do the necessary changes.

      • Sorry if he changes his old sin card to new card those that means they will not have access to hank the account
        Because I have same issue please

  9. I have issues with my bvn,they mistakenly wrote jihn instead of John and it didn’t match with the name I used on my national ID..what can I do ma

    • Some banks will require an ID, a court affidavit, and a newspaper publication while others will only require an ID and a court affidavit. So tomorrow, go to the bank you did your bvn with your ID and request for a bvn ammendment.

      Explain the problem you have and they will tell you the requirements for the bvn ammendment. If you can get a court affidavit as well, that will be lot better.

  10. i av a bank acct with bvn in access bank but i don’t want to use the account and the bvn anymore due to some reasons
    pls ma,if i go to gtb bank to open another account with them,will they give me another new bvn?

  11. Please I fill out my year of birth 2000 instead of 2003 and it was because I wasn’t able to register with bank due to my age that time☹️ I lied about my age for them , now I want to open a bank account with another bank and on my NIN it is 2003 but on my BVn it is 2000
    Please advise me what are the steps I will make to change it to my real Year of birth so I can open bank account with another bank

    • Get a court affidavit about your age declaration and with your ID (nin), go to the bank where you did your bvn and request for a bvn ammendment.

      Tell the bank that it was a mistake made on your date of birth. With the court affidavit and your nin ID, they will change the age for you.

      Don’t even try and say you lied about your age else you just shot yourself on your foot. Compose yourself and say it was a mistake and you were born on this very date. Definitely they will make the ammendment.

  12. I want to link my nin to my bank, but my name on my bank is ALARAN Ayomide Michael while on nin is ALARAN Micheal Ayomide…… Plz what can I do? Because my account WAs frozen 😞😞

    • I didn’t see any changes as the names are same.

      The problem you’re having is name mismatch, that is to say the names are not properly arranged.

      This is not a big deal, what you have to do is to go to the bank with your ID, tell the bank that the name on your bvn is not properly arranged.

      For example,
      ALARAN is your surname
      Ayomide is your first name
      Michael is your middle name

      Let the bank arrange the arrange the names on your bvn. Remember, you have to go to the bank you did your bvn.

      BTW, did you say nin or probably bvn?

  13. Pls ma I lost my phone and my account was hacked by fradusters they collected a loan from my bank and withdrew all the money in my account, I had to open another account with another name and enroll for bvn with another name and now the bvn is out can I link my new bvn to the new account

    • The truth is, I don’t really understand your question.

      Hackers hacked your account and took everything you didn’t make a report, then you opened a new account with another name that isn’t your real name, you also enrolled for a bvn with a different name altogether.

      Now you want to link the new bvn to the new bank account.

      First I want you to know that as long as the names on the bank account and bvn are not the same, you cannot link the bvn to the bank account.

      Second, you can’t have a two bvn with same biometrics and picture.

      Third, everything about your comment seem suspicious cause there’s no reason to open a new bank account with a name that isn’t yours.

      Well it is up to you to try and link the bvn to the bank account.

      • Please ,I opened 2 different account the same day in different banks with out having bvn, after opening the first one , I went to another bank to open another account, and they ask me of my bvn, I told them that I have not gotten yet, that I just opened an account that Same day with the other bank, and I haven’t receive any bvn, the second bank also did bvn for me . My question is,
        I hope I won’t have two different bvn from the two banks , i hope it will be verified, or do have to lay the complain to the first Bank?

  14. Please ma I open an account when I was young and I have forgotten my account details and am not in the state where I open the account now I want to open another account and my age is not corresponding to my bvn and I don’t have any id to take to the bank and I went to do nin in glo office the said the nin number has not been sent to them yet because that I should go and come back after one week when I return the said that I have done nin before that is why my nin number has refused to be sent to them
    And the truth of the matter is I haven’t done nin before that was actually my first time of doing it now I don’t know what to do am confuse please ma help me

    • Let me guess that you want to check your bvn and it’s details.

      Since you don’t know your bank account details but can remember the bank you opened your account, you have to contact the bank no matter the state you’re in and give them your full name.

      Mostly the bank will request for the phone number you used in opening the account and your mother’s maiden name. Afterwards they will retrieve your account information which is mostly the account number.

      When the bank has retrieved your account number, through the account number you will retrieve your bvn by asking the bank to help you to print out your bvn information and from there you will know if there’s a mistake on your bvn name or date of birth.

  15. Hello, so I registered my bvn years ago that I have no access to that SIM card anymore. I have a current line that alert comes into, I checked for my bvn with my present line and it’s showing me someone else’s bvn.

    But recently there’s this man who works for a loan company that keeps calling me claiming I signed as a guarantor for someone who collected a loan that’s way overdue. Is it possible that the previous owner of this line with this bvn signed as a guarantor and the loan company linked the bvn with my present number and called me thinking it’s the person? Or the new owner Of my old phone number accessed my bvn and then used it to do fraudulent activity ? How possible that only my bvn without my picture signature or presence etc can apply as a guarantor for a loan?

  16. Ma i collected loan from online and bank too with my bvn ,and have not been able to pay back,if i have opportunities in future to travel out of the country will it show on my documents am owning loans

  17. I create my Bvn with Uba bank and I wish to change the whole names because the man that use to be my father is not more my father again, my mother introduced me to a new father and he decided to change both my name and sure name, and I’m about graduating so I want to make a change of name I published a news and I went to bank they told me I can’t change so I want to know what to do now

  18. I tried to open an account but didn’t realize the number I used has already been use by someone else
    Is it possible to get a bvn with it


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